Discover How to Improve Reading Comprehension for Students with ADHDImprove reading comprehension by using graphic organizers for note taking.
Learning Challenges for Children with ADHD and How to Overcome ThemOften kids are thought to have learning problems because of their ADHD and it can be something more than that. Discover how we learn through the senses and when learning is difficult, what may be REALLY going on.
Screencasting a Poetry LessonUsing the app ‘Teach’ I created this poetry Screencast which could be used as a homework lesson or a Flip Teaching lesson for High School students.
Best iPad Apps for Autism EducationiPads for autism education expert Karina Barley lists her favorite iPad apps that she uses with her students.
Introduction To Screencasting In The ClassroomThis is a brief lecture by our iPads in Education expert Karina Barley, on Screencasting, Screencasting apps, and how it can be used in the classroom.
Learn How To Flip Teach Without The Internet - Part TwoLearn how to flip your classroom without the internet – Part two by our Flipped Teaching expert Shannon Holden.
Learn How To Flip Teach Without The Internet - Part One Learn how to flip your classroom without the internet – Part one by our Flipped Teaching expert Shannon Holden
Androids in The Classroom - Settings, Security Features, Childproof Options and Creating a Tablet PolicyTips and instructions on Android settings, security, childproofing and how to create a policy for using Android tablets in the classroom.
Implementing Technology in The Classroom Presentation by Shannon Holden on implementing technology into your classroom.
iPads in The Classroom - Settings, Security Features, Childproofing Options and Creating an iPad PolicyTips and instructions on iPad settings, security, childproofing and how to create a policy for using iPads in the classroom.