Product Description
Instructor/Presenter: Shannon Holden
Length: 45 hours, complete in four months
Dates: Rolling admission
Number of Professional Development Credits: 3
Each year, thousands of students arrive in classrooms wanting to be educated, entertained, and inspired by their teachers. Unfortunately, many educators feel like they are unprepared to meet the needs of their students. Teachers try teaching the way THEY were taught, and find their students sleeping, daydreaming, misbehaving, and disengaged from the learning process.
Teachers are told to integrate technology into their lessons – but are overwhelmed by the ever-changing list of tools available to them. They ask many of the same questions when trying to navigate this new frontier in education:
- “How much does this cost?”
- “Can we afford it?”
- “What about student privacy concerns?”
- “Am I going to get in trouble for using this?”
- “How does it work?”
- “Does this technology REALLY impact student learning?”
This course is designed to lessen the pain, suffering, confusion, and also lessen the time it takes for educators to understand:
I have discovered that teachers will NOT use technology unless it meets these four criteria: 1. It has to be inexpensive (FREE is BEST). 2. It has to be EASY to implement. 3. It has to save a teacher time, effort, or work. 4. It has to result in an increase in student learning or engagement (BOTH is BEST).
In my roles as a school administrator, educational consultant, website builder, and webinar presenter for the past 25 years – I have been exposed to hundreds of educational technology platforms. To meet educator needs, I have put together a collection of my “Top 20” FREE TechTools that educators can integrate into their lessons tomorrow!
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, educators will know:
- Free online platforms and mobile apps that work in the real classroom
- Tools that make it possible for teachers to do formative assessments on students in real time
- Ways to involve parents in their student’s educational endeavors
- Motivational strategies that will work on disconnected students
- Where to find free online resources to help build an educator’s repertoire of teaching techniques
LESSON ONE – Digital Portfolios
- Students will be required to create their own digital portfolio
- The digital portfolio will contain essays, pictures, links to educational resources, a blog, and other important demonstrations of student learning
- A sample portfolio can be found at
LESSON TWO – LiveBinders
- Students will create accounts, upload content, and organize content into binders
- Students will learn how to share their content with colleagues, parents, and students
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
LESSON THREE – TedED, Sophia, Khan Academy
- Students will learn how to access specific lessons in each of these three learning platforms
- Students will be able to view videos, take quizzes, and share lessons by copying and pasting links
LESSON FOUR – YouTube Video Editor
- Students will walk through the process of finding videos, uploading videos, modifying videos in the editor, and adding music/annotations
- Students will learn how to share their modified videos with students
LESSON FIVE – Wikispaces
- Students will learn how Wikispaces is used to store information, create learning experiences for students, and improve accessibility for all stakeholders
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
LESSON SIX – Using Pinterest & EduClipper to Curate Materials
- Students will see how Pinterest and EduClipper can add to their repertoire of teaching strategies and resources
- Students will learn how to post materials to Pinterest, and share their knowledge with others
LESSON SEVEN – Quizlet & StudyBlue
- Students will learn how to access flashcards and other study materials on these two online platforms
- Students will learn how to create their own flashcards and other study materials if suitable materials do not already exist
- Students will be exposed to several different learning games in Quizlet and StudyBlue
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
- Students will walk through the process of making an account, uploading PowerPoints, and adding audio to presentations using these platforms
- Students will learn how to share presentations using a variety of social media sites, and teach students how to make their own presentations
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
LESSON NINE – Choosing the Right LMS For Your School
- Students will be exposed to several popular free Learning Management Systems
- Students will learn how to identify features in Learning Management Systems that best meet the needs of their students
LESSON TEN – Flipping Your Classroom Without Internet
- Students will examine the trend of “Flipping” the classroom, and why it has gained popularity
- Students will be exposed to several techniques used by teachers across the country to educate students without Internet access at home
LESSON ELEVEN – Getting Organized With Evernote & Dropbox
- Students will create digital documents and upload them to Dropbox
- Students will be able to share their documents with peers and the instructor through the use of links
- Students will learn how Evernote helps students keep artifacts in several forms (notes, pictures, audio recordings, etc.) and store them in an organized fashion through the use of “tags”
- Students will learn how valuable formative assessment is to student learning
- Students will walk through the process of making an account, entering questions in the platform, and printing answer cards
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
- Students will be shown how student writing scores can be increased through the use of blogging
- Students will be exposed to several free blogging platforms, and walk through the process of determining the best platform for their needs
- Students will walk through the process of setting up an account, choosing appropriate educational videos, and embedding questions to assess student mastery of material contained in the videos
- Students will see the tools available to analyze data related to student learning through EdPuzzle
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
- Students will see how establishing a “backchannel” increases student engagement with the material being presented
- Students will be made aware of best practices and potential pitfalls when using backchannels during lessons
LESSON SIXTEEN – Actively Learn
- Students will walk through the process of making a free account and uploading educational materials to the Actively Learn platform
- Students will learn how all stakeholders can access the Actively Learn platform from a variety of devices
LESSON SEVENTEEN – Using Screenshots
- Students will learn how to make screenshots using a variety of different free screenshot software
- Students will understand how to make their presentations more engaging and visually appealing by using screenshots
- Students will be shown how gamification of subject matter in schools leads to increased student engagement and achievement
- Students will walk through the process of creating a account, selecting a YouTube video, and embedding questions for their students to answer
- Students will learn about how Kahoot makes formative assessment possible
- Students will walk through the process of creating a class, writing questions, and using Kahoot platform in real time with their classes
- Students will learn how this TechTool can impact student learning and engagement
LESSON TWENTY – Streaming Educational Content With Periscope and The Cube
- Students will be able to download the app and begin streaming live content using Periscope
- Students will learn how to follow other Periscope users
- Students will upload saved streams to The Cube for viewing later
Methods of Instruction will include:
- Individual lessons
- Multiple-choice quizzes
- Assignments
- PowerPoint presentations (250 + slides)
- Final reflection assignment
Text and/or Other Materials
Video, screen captures, multiple-choice quizzes, and PowerPoint presentations (210 slides) are provided by the instructor in this online course. There are NO required textbooks.
This course has seven assignments, including a final reflection assignment. The course includes twenty multiple-choice quizzes. The final essay encourages participants to write a reflection on what they have learned during the course.
Percentage of Course Credit:
- Quizzes 70%
- Assignments 30%
Due Dates of Major Assignments, Projects, and Examinations:
This online, self-paced program can be started and completed at the student’s own leisure within four months from the start date of the course.
This online course uses Letter Grading (A – F) or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) according to the Quiz results.
The course administrator will review students’ answers and provide feedback. Students will be evaluated on their quiz grades, assignment presentation, and the quality of all the assessments required for this course. There is an opportunity for the students to repeat the quiz twice should they fail.
Scholastic Dishonesty
Students enrolled in this course are expected to be aware of the seriousness of scholastic dishonesty. Unacceptable behavior such as submitting someone else’s work as your own, cheating on exams, or plagiarizing can result in failure of the course or other sanctions. For a more detailed description of these policies, please refer to the UND Code of Student Life, Section 3-3 at
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